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Root / Charge / Scanner Probe
Built-in Scanner Test Probe The deep-space probe uses directional measurements of the red shifting of scan signatures due to space-time expansion to
Demo Probe The deep-space probe uses directional measurements of the red shifting of scan signatures due to space-time expansion to
Fathom Scanner Probe I The Fathom is a very accurate scanner probe, able to pinpoint targets with very little deviation. Its maximum effective
Ferret Class Scanner Probe 1AU High-yield bomb with plasma payload
Ferret Scanner Probe I The Ferret is the longest-range scanner probe currently available, though its ability to cover a greater amount of terri
GM Class Scanner Probe 1AU High-yield bomb with plasma payload
Gravimetric Comb Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Gravimetric Pursuit Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Gravimetric Quest Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Gravimetric Sift Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Ladar Comb Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Ladar Pursuit Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Ladar Quest Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Ladar Sift Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Magnetometric Comb Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Magnetometric Pursuit Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Magnetometric Quest Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Magnetometric Sift Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Multispectral Frequency Probe The Multispectral Frequency Probe scans the entire solar system for multispectral frequencies, and gives a readout on wh
New Scan Probe Test 1 The Ferret is the longest-range scanner probe currently available. Its sensors can sweep to a range of 192 AU, though i
New Scan Probe Test 100000 The Ferret is the longest-range scanner probe currently available. Its sensors can sweep to a range of 192 AU, though i
New Scan Probe Test 2 The Ferret is the longest-range scanner probe currently available. Its sensors can sweep to a range of 192 AU, though i
New Scan Probe Test 3 The Ferret is the longest-range scanner probe currently available. Its sensors can sweep to a range of 192 AU, though i
New Scan Probe Test 4 The Ferret is the longest-range scanner probe currently available. Its sensors can sweep to a range of 192 AU, though i
New Scan Probe Test 5 The Ferret is the longest-range scanner probe currently available. Its sensors can sweep to a range of 192 AU, though i
Observator Deep Space Probe I The deep-space probe uses directional measurements of the red shifting of scan signatures due to space-time expansion to
Radar Comb Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Radar Pursuit Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Radar Quest Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Radar Sift Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Scan Probe Test 1 The Spook represents the upper mid-range of scanner probes, able to scan distances up to 48 AU and possessing moderate s
Sisters Gravimetric Quest Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Sisters Ladar Quest Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Sisters Magnetometric Quest Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Sisters Observator Deep Space Probe The deep-space probe uses directional measurements of the red shifting of scan signatures due to space-time expansion to
Sisters Radar Quest Probe Lith probes pick up the diffraction of quasar emissions around large stationary objects in space, and utilize the result
Snoop Scanner Probe I The Snoop is the most accurate scanner probe available. Possessing little to no scan deviation, it effectively enables
Spook Scanner Probe I The Spook represents the upper mid-range of scanner probes.
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