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Root / Material / Moon Materials
Atmospheric Gases Nitrogen, oxygen, neon, helium, xenon, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone -- a host of trapped vapours that can be used to ca
Cadmium A soft, malleable metal often occuring with zinc ores. Has a wide variety of applications; used in electroplating, supe
Caesium A golden Alkali metal used primarily in propulsion systems. Also performs a variety of catalytic functions in the nucle
Chromium A steel-gray, lustrous metal with a wide variety of applications. Commonly used as a catalyst for chemical processes.
Cobalt A silvery ferromagnetic element, used among other things in superalloys, magnetics, battery electrodes, and various meta
Dysprosium A relatively rare soft metal, easily dissolvable in mineral acids. Used primarily in the production of laser materials.
Evaporite Deposits Deposits formed by the precipitation of mineral-rich water. Usable for many purposes, mostly as building-block componen
Hafnium A silvery, corrosion-resistant metal used in various metal alloys and, to a lesser extent, in hybrid weapons systems.
Hydrocarbons Raw fossil fuels such as petroleum and mineral oil. Hydrocarbons are crucial building blocks in the production of organ
Mercury Also known as quicksilver, mercury is a silvery liquid metal whose primary characteristic is the ease with which it form
Neodymium A rare, silvery metal. Due to its atmospheric reactiveness, Neodymium is used primarily for light-refractive purposes a
Platinum A corrosion-resistant precious metal with an extremely wide range of applications. Often used as a chemical catalyst.
Promethium An extremely radioactive luminsescent metal, sometimes used as a heating component and a building block for laser genera
Scandium A transition element harnessed from rare minerals, Scandium commonly sees use as a component of high-intensity light fix
Silicates Various types of silicon- and oxygen-based rock formations.
Technetium A silvery metal, primarily used as a corrosion inhibitor and a superconductor.
Thulium A soft, rare, silvery-gray metal. Used in the creation of lasers, in addition to possessing a range of radiation-relate
Titanium An extremely fatigue-resistant yet light-weight metallic element, useful as a refractory metal and employable in a wide
Tungsten One of the hardest metals in existence. Able to form extremely durable alloys with various other elements, and very use
Vanadium A soft, white metal with a wide-ranging arsenal of applications both nuclear and structural. Also a versatile catalyst
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