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Root / Commodity / Drugs
Blue Pill This booster causes forgetfulness and bliss, and may cause light hallucinations.
Crash This expensive booster is highly addictive and has been known to cause heart attacks and seizures.
Crates Of Crystal Eggs Crystal is a common feel-good booster, used and abused around the universe in abundance.
Crystal Egg Crystal is a common feel-good booster, used and abused around the universe in abundance.
Drop This highly hallucinogenic booster can easily cause temporary dementia. It is commonly poured into a wet rag, which is t
Exile This booster is highly addictive and has been known to cause aggressive behavior.
Frentix The Frentix fluid is used as a relaxative drug on subjects in heavy pain. Abuse of this booster is common in underground
Mindflood Highly addictive fluid of which the toxic fumes are inhaled through the nostrils of the user. Mindflood kills braincells
Nerve Sticks This booster is used as a stress-reliever and is ingested with a sip of water.
Ratu Ratu the drug of choice during the celebration known as Mahe Ratu. Itґs effect include a feeling of euphoria, hallucina
Sooth Sayer This booster causes the subject to fall into a blissful sleep. Reports tell of abusers falling into a deep coma, never t
Vitoc The Vitoc booster has become more than a simple strategy by the Amarrians in controling their slaves. With the Vitoc met
X-Instinct Abusers of this booster have reported surreal visions and altered perceptions of the world around them. The subject beco
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