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Root / Ship / Industrial
Badger The Badger-class freighter is the main cargo-carrier for the Caldari State, particularly in long, arduous trade-runs. It
Badger Mark II The Badger Mark II is the latest version of the famous Badger, it's mostly used by the military or the mega corps for tr
Bestower The Bestower has for decades been used by the Empire as a slave transport, shipping human labor between cultivated plane
Hoarder The Hoarder is the second in line of the Minmatar industrial ships, it's not as strong as the Mammoth but its cargo spac
Iteron The Iteron-class cargo tugger is fast and reliable and there are many versions of it. It is equally popular among civili
Iteron Mark II The Iteron-class cargo tugger is fast and reliable and there are many versions of it. It is equally popular among civili
Iteron Mark III The Iteron-class cargo tugger is fast and reliable and there are many versions of it. It is equally popular among civili
Iteron Mark IV The Iteron-class cargo tugger is fast and reliable and there are many versions of it. It is equally popular among civili
Iteron Mark V The Iteron-class cargo tugger is fast and reliable and there are many versions of it. It is equally popular among civili
Mammoth The Mammoth is the biggest and the strongest industrial ship of the Minmatar Republic. It was designed with aid from the
Sigil A recent ship from Viziam. Based on a old slave transport design. Special Ability: 5% Bonus Cargo Capacity and Max Vel
Visitant Little is known about Jovian vessels, safe for their technical superiority.
Wreathe The Wreathe is an old ship of the Minmatar Republic and one of the oldest ships still in usage. The design of the Wreath
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