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Root / Skill / Social
Bounty Hunting CONCORD pays a certified Bounty hunter 5% higher bounty per level of skill
Bureaucratic Connections Understanding of corporate bureaucracies. Improves loyalty point gain by 5% per level when working for agents in the fo
Connections Skill at interacting with friendly NPCs. 4% Bonus to effective standing towards friendly NPC Corporations.
Criminal Connections Skill at interacting with criminal NPCs. 0.4 bonus to effective standing towards NPCs with low Concord standing.
DED Connections Skill at dealing with Concord Department and negotiating bounties Bonus fee of 1.500 isk per pirate head per level of
Diplomacy Skill at interacting with hostile Agents. 0.4 Bonus per level to effective standing towards hostile Agents.
Fast talk Skill at interacting with Concord. 5% Bonus to effective security rating increase.
Financial Connections Understanding of Corporate Finances. Improves loyalty point gain by 5% per level when working for agents in the followi
High Tech Connections Understanding of high-tech corporate culture. Improves loyalty point gain by 5% per level when working for agents in th
Labor Connections Understanding of corporate culture on the industrial level and the plight of the worker. Improves loyalty point gain by
Military Connections Understanding of military culture. Improves loyalty point gain by 5% per level when working for agents in the following
Negotiation Skill at agent negotiation. Improves agent effective quality. 5% additional pay per skill level for agent missions.
Political Connections Understanding of political concepts and stratagems. Improves loyalty point gain by 5% per level when working for agents
Social Skill at social interaction. 5% Bonus to NPC agent, corporation and faction standing increase.
Trade Connections Understanding of the way trade is conducted at the corporate level. Improves loyalty point gain by 5% per level when wo
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