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Root / Skill / Industry
Advanced Mass Production Further training in the operation of multiple factories. Ability to run 1 additional manufacturing job per skill level.
Amarr Tech Grants +5% reduction in Amarr equipment production time.
Arkonor Processing Specialization in Arkonor processing and refining. Allows a skilled refiner to utilize substandard refining facilities a
Bistot Processing Specialization in Bistot processing and refining. Allows a skilled refiner to utilize substandard refining facilities at
Caldari Tech Grants +5% reduction in Caldari equipment production time.
Crokite Processing Specialization in Crokite processing and refining. Allows a skilled refiner to utilize substandard refining facilities
Dark Ochre Processing Specialization in Dark Ochre processing and refining. Allows a skilled refiner to utilize substandard refining faciliti
Deep Core Mining Skill at operating mining lasers requiring Deep Core Mining. 20% reduction per skill level in the chance of a damage cl
Drug Manufacturing Needed to manufacture boosters. Can not be trained on Trial Accounts.
Gallente Tech Grants +5% reduction in Gallente equipment production time.
Gas Cloud Harvesting Skill at harvesting gas clouds. Allows use of one gas cloud harvester per level. Can not be trained on Trial Accounts.
Gas Harvesting Skill for Harvesting. +5% Bonus to gas harvest er yield.
Gneiss Processing Specialization in Gneiss processing and refining. Allows a skilled refiner to utilize substandard refining facilities a
Hedbergite Processing Specialization in Hedbergite processing and refining. Allows a skilled refiner to utilize substandard refining faciliti
Hemorphite Processing Specialization in Hemorphite processing and refining. Allows a skilled refiner to utilize substandard refining facilitie
Ice Harvesting Skill at mining ice. 5% reduction per skill level to the cycle time of ice harvesters.
Ice Processing Skill for Ice processing and refining. Allows a skilled refiner to utilize substandard refining facilities at considerab
Industrial Reconfiguration Skill at the operation of industrial core modules. 50-unit reduction in heavy water consumption amount for module activ
Industry Allows basic operation of factories. 4% reduction in manufacturing time per skill level.
Jaspet Processing Specialization in Jaspet processing and refining. Allows a skilled refiner to utilize substandard refining facilities at
Kernite Processing Specialization in Kernite processing and refining. Allows a skilled refiner to utilize substandard refining facilities a
Mass Production Allows the operation of multiple factories. Ability to run 1 additional manufacturing job per level.
Mercoxit Processing Specialization in Mercoxit processing and refining. Allows a skilled refiner to utilize substandard refining facilities
Mining Skill at using mining lasers. 5% bonus to mining turret yield per skill level.
Mining Upgrades Skill at using mining upgrades. 5% reduction per skill level in CPU penalty of mining upgrade modules.
Minmatar Tech Grants +5% reduction in Minmatar equipment production time.
Omber Processing Specialization in Omber processing and refining. Allows a skilled refiner to utilize substandard refining facilities at
Plagioclase Processing Specialization in Plagioclase processing and refining. Allows a skilled refiner to utilize substandard refining faciliti
Production Efficiency Skill at efficiently using factories. 4% reduction per skill level to the material requirements needed for production.
Pyroxeres Processing Specialization in Pyroxeres processing and refining. Allows a skilled refiner to utilize substandard refining facilities
Refinery Efficiency Advanced skill at using refineries. 4% reduction in refinery waste per skill level.
Refining Skill at using refineries. 2% reduction in refinery waste per skill level.
Scordite Processing Specialization in Scordite processing and refining. Allows a skilled refiner to utilize substandard refining facilities
Scrapmetal Processing Specialization in Scrapmetal processing and refining. Increases reprocessing returns for modules, ships and other reproc
Spodumain Processing Specialization in Spodumain processing and refining. Allows a skilled refiner to utilize substandard refining facilities
Supply Chain Management Proficiency at starting manufacturing jobs remotely. Each level increases the distance at which jobs can be created. Lev
Veldspar Processing Specialization in Veldspar processing and refining. Allows a skilled refiner to utilize substandard refining facilities
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