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Корабли и модули
Market .::. All base

Root / Commodity
Acceleration Gate Keys Contains keys, passcards, cyphers and other objects required to open locked acceleration gates in deadspace complexes.
Artifacts and Prototypes Artifacts of ancient cultures in the world of eve.
Capital Construction Components Capital Construction Components
Construction Components components for use i item construction
Criminal Tags Items such as Dog Tags that NPC pirates drop.
Drugs This group contains commodities that are drugs or 'boosters'.
Empire Insignia Drops The insignia drops are implemented to replace the "bounty" feature for Empire mission drones, such as Navy ships. Insig
Lease Each 'Starbase Code Cycle' equals 1 hour of operation of a control tower in the sovereign space of the entity that issue
Materials and Compounds Alloys and Special materials used in manufacture of Ancient technology
Miscellaneous Miscellaneos special mission items that should not be on the market and not available from random missions.
Refinables Group for mineral compounds and alloys that can be refined into valuable minerals.
Tool Tools used in manufacturing and Research
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