| | | |
Vattuolen IX - Chief Executive Panel Bureau Delivers reports and publishes rules and manifestos concerning the Bureau's field.
/ |
| 50% |
| |
/ | | |
lvl | Qual. |
Ika Uuhikken Basic |
Chief Executive Panel |
Legal |
2 |
-19 | | |
Vattuolen XII - Moon 2 - Peace and Order Unit Logistic Support Stores product and freights goods to external retailers.
/ |
| 50% |
| |
/ | | |
lvl | Qual. |
Onalila Asela Basic |
Peace and Order Unit |
Command |
1 |
-17 |
Kustiken Ikalmala Basic |
Peace and Order Unit |
Command |
4 |
-15 |
Petsolen Akanarkka Basic |
Peace and Order Unit |
Security |
3 |
14 |
Alinita Innomainen Basic |
Peace and Order Unit |
Command |
1 |
-20 |
Hatsen Koiromon Basic |
Peace and Order Unit |
Command |
3 |
8 | | |
Vattuolen X - Moon 14 - Peace and Order Unit Assembly Plant Produces weapons and ammunition that are shipped for storage.
/ |
| 50% |
| |
/ | | |
lvl | Qual. |
Inala Igunen Basic |
Peace and Order Unit |
Surveillance |
2 |
14 | | |
Vattuolen X - Moon 15 - Sisters of EVE Bureau Delivers reports and publishes rules and manifestos concerning the Bureau's field.
/ |
| 50% |
| |
/ | | |
lvl | Qual. |
Auranaras Oitvio Basic |
Sisters of EVE |
Public Relations |
2 |
17 |
Sakulito Suitanen Basic |
Sisters of EVE |
Archives |
1 |
-12 | | |